developing my character

McDonald’s Introduction to the 4 Phases of Culture Shock

At Go. Serve. Love, we're all about  a) getting real. Very real. We aim to be the kind of friend…

5 years ago

“What kind of characteristics do I need as a missionary?”

It might come to mind as you're taping another box shut, or when you're about to pass one of those…

5 years ago

Crossing Cultures: Adding More Pieces to Your God-Puzzle

One of the fun parts of going overseas? Seeing new layers of your family show up. When we first moved,…

5 years ago

Why to Consider Counseling Before You Head Overseas

Did you know Amazon sold 300,000 InstaPots on Prime Day this year? True story. Maybe it feels like everyone you…

5 years ago


It was a big "aha!" for me when I realized God wanted me to do his will even more than…

6 years ago

He Said/She Said. You Say? “How can I know if God’s calling/leading me overseas?” Part II

Missed Part I? Grab it here. Years ago my husband had a friend who was contemplating starting his own non-profit…

6 years ago

My Story: The 90% You’d Rather Not Hear About

Today we're thrilled to welcome the honest thoughts of an anonymous, vibrant American who found new purpose in the mountains…

6 years ago

He Said/She Said. You Say? “What do you wish you’d known before you went?” Part I

"I wish I knew how to deal with conflict." Answer from Paul, who served in Uganda and Rwanda for two…

6 years ago

He Said/She Said…You Say? “Is there any way other than begging for financial support?”

Back in the day when my husband and I were first considering a financially-supported ministry, I was so stinkin' geared…

6 years ago

Throwback Thursday #4: On the Differences that Divide Us

There are times in cross-cultural work--in those nuanced, complicated relationships--that the differences dividing us seem simply too overwhelming. How can…

6 years ago