“What kind of characteristics do I need as a missionary?”

Reading Time: 6 minutes
It might come to mind as you’re taping another box shut, or when you’re about to pass one of those points-of-no-return: Selling your house. Selling your wheels for pennies on the dollar. You might think, Well. If I go over there and bite it big time, this is going to be pretty embarrassing. Not to mention expensive. Do I have the characteristics it takes?”

(If you haven’t thought that? Just ignore those last two paragraphs.)

And here’s the reality: Some global workers come back earlier than they planned. read more

9 Reasons You Won’t Make It to (or Stay on) the Mission Field

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Editor’s note: GoServeLove.net is geared up to welcome Shane Bennett. He’s speaker and writer for Frontiers, a super-cool organization who describes their aim this way: With love and respect, inviting all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus.

(If you’re interested, consider signing up for Shane’s Muslim Connect, a 300-word weekly email –with 2100 subscribers–helping Christians think about Muslims the way God does and love them like Jesus does.)

Shane explains, “I live to help people who love Jesus connect with people who’ve never heard of him.” read more

Meet an Agency: Christ for the City International

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We dig this new, ongoing series–a little cup of coffee with organizations to help you go there, serve Him, and love them even better. (For more thoughts about why you might join an agency–and a handful of reasons you might not–make sure to check out He Said/She Said/You Say? “Should I go overseas with an organization?”, both the pros and the cons.)

Today, we’re grabbing a peppermint mocha, extra foam with Christ for the City International. Pull up a chair.

Tell us what your agency specializes in. What are you passionate about? 

We’re completely committed to the transformation of communities by transforming lives and developing leaders in Jesus’ name. Our major focus is on the people most marginalized by society, reaching the lost with the Gospel. read more

Meet an Agency: Christar

Reading Time: 6 minutes

We’re lovin’ this new, ongoing series–a little meet-and-greet with organizations to help you go there, serve Him, and love them even better. (For more thoughts about why you might join an agency–and a handful of reasons you might not–make sure to check out He Said/She Said/You Say? “Should I go overseas with an organization?”, both the pros and the cons.)

Today, we’re grabbing a cup o’ joe with Christar. Pull up a chair.

Tell us what your agency specializes in. What are you passionate about? 

We’re propelled by a zeal to establish churches among the least-reached. We’re talking people who don’t have access to a church where the gospel is preached in their language and culture and proximity. Christar’s going for Christ-honoring transformation in least-reached communities throughout the world where He’s not yet known or worshiped. read more

Meet an Agency: WorldVenture

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We’re geared up to bring you a new, ongoing series as a little meet-and-greet with organizations that can help you go there, serve Him, and love them even better. (For more thoughts about why you might join an agency–and a handful of reasons you might not–make sure to check out He Said/She Said/You Say? “Should I go overseas with an organization?”, both the pros and the cons.)

Today, say you’ve pulled up a chair for a cup of coffee with a representative from WorldVenture. 

Tell us briefly what your agency specializes in. What are you passionate about?

At WorldVenture, our vision is to see multitudes of disciples compelled by the love of God and willing to risk all so that people are transformed by God, impacting their families, communities, and world. read more