“I Wish Someone Had Told Me”: 5 Things about Missions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

wish someone had told me

In our efforts at Go. Serve. Love to help you look overseas with eyes wide open, we actually like posting your “wish someone had told me about missions” stories. They help the rest of us, y’know, adjust expectations and avoid our own train wrecks. 

Today we’re posting from one of our partners, the all-new Mission App–which allows you to search and apply to 30 agencies with one app, and one application.  read more

Dotsie’s Story: What We Did Well (and Didn’t)

Reading Time: 4 minutes
what we did well

Dotsie and Gary are the second couple from the left–both wearing blue.

By Dotsie Corwin

Go. Serve. Love is excited to welcome Dotsie Corwin. She comes from a long line of missionaries and Christian workers, but it was the illustration of an unbalanced number of people carrying a telephone pole that impacted her and her husband to commit to a career in mission. Thinking of only one carrying the pole on one end with the rest on the other, it made sense to spend their lives where there was greater need. read more