3+ Don’t-Miss-This Sites for BAM and B4T

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Editor’s Note: Allow us to save you the Googling: B4T is “Business for Transformation.” 

Business as Mission.com explains B4T as

a partnership of entrepreneurs and investors that maximizes social, economic, environmental and spiritual transformation in communities.

B4T stretches beyond cash to truly improve onsite business training. It monitors “a business’s ability to make a measurable impact” in influence and interaction. 

Go. Serve. Love believes Business as Mission (and all its avatars) could be key to reaching the 4.13 billion unreached. So we’re thrilled to welcome back missions vet David Armstrong, our Executive Director, with his advice on some stellar BAM resources.

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I love the growing number of websites helping those wanting to take their job overseas. You might call it Business as Mission or Business for Transformation. Either way, you need experienced, proven counsel and help.

This past month, I reviewed top websites serving the growing BAM and B4T community. 

Scatter Global

The hook: Scatter Global can help you prepare and find a job overseas.

It’s all about the WHY. Their Foundations online course lays out the foundational principles of living out your faith in a global marketplace and community.

Scatter Global guides you every step of the way. They’ll point you to key resources, important disciplines, and a scheduled plan. All of these will keep you moving toward your goal of taking your profession to another part of the world.


What else does Scatter have up their sleeve for B4t?

  • Job resources: A job board / Custom job search strategies / Preparation for landing a job overseas
  • Blog section: 100+ resourceful posts
  • Online Courses to get you ready
  • Community: join others walking this path

Marketplace and Development Enterprises

[su_button url=”https://www.goservelove.net/meet-agency-mde-marketplace/” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#00779b” center=”yes”]Don’t miss our Meet an Agency Post with MDE![/su_button]

The hook: MDE helps you WALK through various ways you can serve overseas through business. They will actively resource you, through legal help and beyond, to get you there.

MDE can assist you in whatever form BAM or B4T take for you:


Work as an employee of an international company. Or take a job in a local business in an unreached community.


Form and run a self-sustaining, profitable business in an unreached community.


Create or participate in initiatives that invest in impoverished communities. Foster economic, environmental or social growth.

MDE also offers an extensive list of resources and list of existing opportunities.

Business as Mission

The Hook: BusinessAsMission.com covers all things BAM.

You can find

  • An understanding of what BAM is, from the basic to the complex
  • Recommendations for 6 foundational books and 4 articles. These will shape your practical understanding of BAM.
  • biblical foundation and 4 essential pillars on which to build your strategy
  • practical steps to get you moving
  • Over 300 blog posts about real-life and in-depth aspects of BAM!
  • curated library of BAM video, audio, books, articles and more
  •  collections of practical toolkits for practitioners grouped around BAM topics
  • Reports, bibliographies, stories, and more

Bonus: More Great BAM/B4T Sites

Transformational SME

Real businesses, real products and services–adding real value to lives!

BAM Global 

A comprehensive resource directory for Business as Mission in partnership with the BAM Resources Team 

BAM Training

Info about BAM courses and conferences


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