Top Missions Podcasts of 2020!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

missions podcasts

Recently I described my new favorite morning routine while I set the kids up for virtual schooling. Once things hit an even keel, I tackle last night’s dishes and take in one of my fave missions podcasts.

Let’s face it: The world of missions is vast and full of diverse opinions and ideas. Thankfully, here’s no singular method to show the world the Savior we love.

Strategies vary from

  • traditional missions to business models
  • church-sending to agency-sending
  • church planting movements to discipleship making movements
  • Bible studies to Bible storing
  • large evangelistic meetings to art and drama on city streets
  • face-to-face discipleship to virtual discipleship streaming into hard places
  • written Bible translations to sign language and audio translations

God is moving. The Holy Spirit is depositing faith and stirring up gifts, equipping the Body of Christ for the task at hand: Sharing the good news of Jesus with the 7,400 people groups who still have no access to Christian material, teaching, or people. (See our posts on Missions Trends to Help You Work Smarter! And Check out Joshua Project or Traveling Team for more compelling stats.)

One of the best ways I have found to keep pace with God, staying informed and equipped? Listening to a variety of mission podcasts.

There’s a wealth of information that I otherwise wouldn’t have access to in my community, Plus it’s totally free (no conference fee) to listen to some of the world’s leading missiologists!

Missions podcasts help me stay in the conversation with the rest of the Body of Christ so we can all more efficiently and lovingly give the hope so many are longing for.

Missions Podcasts: My “Continuing Education” Hours

My daily missions podcast routine introduces me to terminology and ideas I didn’t even know were being used in the mission world. They make me aware of the wide variety of opportunities and possible uses for my training, life experiences and spiritual gifts. I’m introduced to mission organizations, people and resources that have helped move me along on my missions’ journey by encouraging me.

They’re educating and equipping me for my unique role in people from every nation, tribe and tongue being reconciled to their Creator.

Missions podcasts educate & equip me for my unique role in people from every nation, tribe and tongue being reconciled to their Creator. Share on X

If you’re like me, the idea of adding in another “to-do” to my already busy day doesn’t have much appeal. So layer in listening with something else that you are already doing, making the time you spend more fruitful for the Kingdom of God.


missions podcasts

Maybe a formerly mundane time in your daily schedule could be something you look forward to! Getting ready in the morning, say–or during your commute, workout, lunch break, or meal prep.

To make it even easier to jump into missions podcasts, I’ve compiled a list. Below, grab the top mission podcasts streaming in 2020 along with a handful of their most listened to episodes.

Subscribe to your favorites and you’ll always have something to challenge, strengthen, and encourage your heart and mind and keep you moving forward on your journey in cross-cultural ministry.

missions podcasts

Are you a current subscriber who wants the new freebie?

Zip us an email with your email address and we’ll send it right out.

Rebecca Skinner is an MK and adult TCK from Central and South America. Don’t miss her post, We Were Missionary Kids. Here’s What My Parents Did Right.

Fun fact: Rebecca and her husband were one of the first couples to met on and get married! This August, they’ll celebrate 18 years of marriage, They have twin boys.

The Perspectives on the World Christian Movement turned Rebecca’s world on its head! She desires to see local churches strategically collaborate to take the good news of Jesus to every people, tribe, and tongue. 

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